Volunteer Commitments
By registering your child with Edmonton Huma Swim Club, you agree to fulfill associated volunteer commitments.
Casino Event Volunteer Obligation
HUMA requires club members to work at a casino fundraiser once every two years.
This is a significant fundraiser for HUMA. Without the financial support of the casino, registration fees would be over $2000 per swimmer.
* The next casino will take place spring 2026 location TBD.
- Each family is required to provide one volunteer to work one shift
- A family that does not meet the casino volunteer obligation will be assessed a fee of $250
- Follow this link to sign up for a volunteer shift at the casino: CASINO SIGN-UP
- If you have questions, please email our Casino Coordinator, Nobuo Maeda, at this address: humaswimclub@gmail.com
Other Volunteer Commitments
Each family is required to complete the volunteer form and indicate the social events at which they are prepared to assist.
- A complete list of volunteers for each event will be emailed and posted on HUMA’s website once finalized.
- A family that does not meet the volunteer commitment will be assessed a fee of $250
For Performance Swimmers
- One parent in each family must complete the Introduction to Swimming Officiating Clinic prior to the HUMA Mini Meet.
- Parents in their second year (or higher) with the club are encouraged to continue their Officials journey by taking additional Level 2 courses. Please refer to the Officials Certification Pathway for more information.
- Be prepared to volunteer at the HUMA Mini Meet and the HUMA Invitational Meet.
- Families are obligated to volunteer or officiate at other meets/events throughout the season at least once.
- Be prepared to be called upon at any meets in which your child(ren) participate.
For Developmental Swimmers
- It is strongly encouraged that one parent in each family complete the Introduction to Swimming Officiating Clinic prior to the HUMA Mini Meet.
- Be prepared to volunteer at the HUMA Mini Meet and the HUMA Invitational Meet.
Bingo Opportunities
As an additional opportunity, HUMA staffs bingos.
- A family receives a registration fee credit of $80 for each bingo shift worked.
- Bingo shifts are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Check the Events page for more information regards dates, times and to sign up.
- All Huma bingos are at the same location (Caesar's Bingo), with either daytime or evening shifts.
Upcoming Bingo Dates:
- January 23, 2025 (evening)
- February 14, 2025 (evening)