HUMA's Developmental program is designed for children 5 years old and up (age is calculated based on May 1, 2025) who have an interest in starting competitive swimming.
It is not ordinary swim lessons. Swimmers in the Developmental program are largely expected to already have some degree of skill in the water.
The Developmental program builds on those skills methodically and strategically, to strengthen Developmental swimmers, help them gain proficiency in swimming strokes and technique, and prepare them to become HUMA's future Performance swimmers.
Beginning this season, the Developmental program is being enhanced. It now features four levels, each with more rigorous criteria, to move swimmers more deliberately along their tracks of becoming proficient competitive swimmers.
Under the enhanced program, most Developmental swimmers will spend time each week training in the 25 metre pool, just as our Performance swimmers do.
Developmental swimmers are welcome to attend swim meets when the athlete is ready to participate, based on their coach’s recommendation.
Refer to the Criteria below to determine the most appropriate program in which to register your swimmer. All swimmers are assessed at the start of the season to ensure their program is an appropriate fit. Swimmers will be moved to other programs if appropriate.
When registering, select your preferred days of programming. Please note this selection cannot be guaranteed. Days and times are subject to change.
Criteria and Details:
Waikiki Waves
* Swimmer requires assistance to complete 25 metres freestyle or backstroke
* Swimmer has only beginner competence of free or back strokes
* 2 training times per week
* 45 minutes per training time
Maui Mavericks
* Swimmer can swim unassisted for 25 metres freestyle or backstroke
* Swimmer is in initial stages of developing free and back strokes
* 2 training times per week
* 45 minutes per training time
Hilo Hurricanes
* Swimmer has strong concept of free and back strokes
* Swimmer has physical literacy to be introduced to fly and breast strokes
* Swimmer is competition ready
* 3 training times per week
* 60 minutes per training time
* At least 15 minutes in 25 metre pool
Aloha Aces
* Swimmer has strong concept of all four swimming strokes and is competent in basic turns
* Swimmer is building endurance
* Swimmer is competition ready
* 3 training times per week
* 60 minutes per training time
* At least 30 minutes in 25 metre pool